Hatha Yoga with restorative
yoga elements

A greater connection inward leads us to a sweeter and more meaningful awareness and enjoyment of the world around us. 

More about my classes More about me

Finding Balance – Reconnect with Your Feminine Energy

New event: workshop

When: 29 November 2024, 19:00-22:00

Where: Lab62, Av. de Tervueren 62, Etterbeek, Brussels

In this 3-hour session, you’ll join other women in an open, supportive environment where you can explore both your feminine and masculine energies.

The business owner Flaminia sitting in a hatha yoga pose

Hi, I’m Flaminia

Who am I? I am a lover of life, woman, mother of 2, step-mother of 3, wife, friend, sister, environmental activist, singer. Yoga has been part of my journey since 2009. I always felt it was my anchor in times of trouble, as well as in good times.


P R I V A T E & G R O U P C L A S S E S

My regular classes

Classes our taught mainly in English, but they are also possible in French and Italian. Following classes are my regular classes, but I have other options available.

The first class is free of charge.

The first class is free of charge.

Mondays 12h30 to 13h30

Fridays 08h15 to 09h15 (online)

Fridays 08h15 to 09h15


My 1:1 classes

If you want the chance to learn yoga in dept, then you can work with me 1:1.

My business classes

Did you know I’m also available to teach classes in your work environment? Give your employees a relaxing moment with Yoga.


Why Blossom With Yoga?

Yoga is much more than a way of doing physical exercise. It covers all aspects of life, not only what you do on the yoga mat. It is a spiritual path offering tools to blossom into your more authentic self.

As the famous yoga teacher, BKS Iyengar, said: “It is through your body that you realise you are a spark of divinity.”

Past events

Yoga for Charity

25 February 2024 at 10h30-12h00

Every year I organise a Yoga for Charity event to support a good cause. Enjoy yoga and every donation you make, goes straight to the charity.

  • Jardins D’emergences: Salle Ozon, Rue des Cultivateurs 54, 1040 Bruxelles

  • Minimum of 15 EURO to be paid to Flaminia Tacconi. Donations collected for Ilot Asbl.

Luglio 2023

Martedí e Giovedí 8h15 - 9h00

When I travel to Italy, I want to take the yoga practice with me. This lovely town Spello is next. They call it the flower town of Italy.

  • Villa Pandolfi Elmi: Via Tommaso Corbo 5 Spello (PG), 06038, Italy

  • Standard rates apply. Contact me for more information.



I discovered the beauty of yoga thanks to Flaminia. She is passionate and very attentive with her students. Thanks to her classes I realised how important it is to rely on my body and the possibility to stretch my muscles to become more flexible. She creates a very warm and welcoming environment where I go each with time with great pleasure.

— Eniko, Yoga Student